Schedule Dr. Sri to Speak Online to Your Parish or Group
Bring Dr. Sri to your living room or parish through a live virtual event tailored just for your group. Dr. Sri gives a 30-minute presentation and then interacts with your group, answering their questions for 30 minutes more.
Choose from More than 30 Topics!
Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple
Walking with Mary
Who am I to Judge?—Talking about Morality in a Relativistic World
Vibrant Faith in a Secular Age: Today’s Challenges for Parents, Families & Teachers
A Biblical Walk through the Mass
Deeper in Prayer: The Primacy of the Interior Life
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before
Theology of the Body and Marriage
Men, Women & the Mystery of Love (for young adults)
No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion
A Walk through the Bible
Evangelization & Discipleship, Even During Social Distancing
Making Missionary Disciples: Transform Your Parish
Talks with Edward & Beth Sri
The Realities of Marriage (for young adults)
Marriage: The Good, the Messy & the Beautiful
Be Not Afraid: Meeting Jesus in the Difficult Parts of Your Marriage
Catholic Parenting