Holy Land
With Dr. Sri
Do you long to walk the streets Jesus walked? To see the places where Jesus lived, preached and healed? To see where the famous events of the Bible took place?

This is not your ordinary Holy Land Trip
Each year participants comment on how this is truly a pilgrimage — packed with rich Biblical teaching and time for prayer at the holy sites to take it all in and write the pilgrimage on your heart. You see a lot, learn a lot and most of all prayerfully enter into the places of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the apostles.
QUESTIONS? Email our office at holyland.edwardsri@gmail.com
Visit the Church of the Seplicar
Sea of Galilee & Teaching Boat Tour
Renew Your Baptismal Promises at the Jordan River
Pray along the Sea of Galilee
Mass in a Bethlehem Cave
Church of the Beatitudes
A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion
Biblical Teaching from Dr. Sri
Personal guided tours by Dr. Sri through each site make the churches, saints and art come alive for our faith today.
Time to Pray and Encounter the Lord
Experience the Mass in the same places as many early Saints. Pray daily in beautiful cathedrals and chapels and encounter the risen Lord.
Travel in a Smaller Group: Experience More!
Join us for a personal experience and travel in a small group, enabling us to walk the beautiful streets of the Holy City, enter more deeply into prayer, and visit many more sites not on the typical tourist itinerary.

Due to the high demand for Dr. Sri’s pilgrimages which usually sell out very quickly, reservations are granted in the order in which registrations/deposits are received.
Please email us at holyland.edwardsri@gmail.com or complete the form below to receive more information.