Booking Dr. Sri for Conferences, Parishes & General Audience Events
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Dr. Sri Talk Topics for Conferences, Parishes, Other Events for Laity
When You Pray
Trust, Surrender & The Transformation of Your Soul
You know prayer is important, but you still find it challenging. Perhaps it’s hard to find time to pray, or you’re unsure what to do when you do pray. Or maybe you feel restless and distracted and don’t feel close to God.
You might struggle to trust God and surrender to his will. Or maybe you feel discouraged by your many weaknesses and your inability to overcome them. Ultimately, you worry that what you’re doing in prayer isn’t “working,” because you aren’t seeing major changes in your life.
If you have any of these feelings, you are not alone. Many of the saints had similar ones. Even the saints struggled in prayer, had complicated problems, and made mistakes. They were like us. But each time they fell, they got up again and learned to rely more on God’s grace. And eventually they were changed.
What God did in countless saints, he wants to do in ordinary people like us. And that’s what this book is about: the journey God wants to take us on in our prayer life.
Inspired by the real example of the saints, we will learn how to pray with the same consistency, trust, peace, and passion that led to deep transformation in their souls. When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God will help you begin your journey of prayer, rejuvenate your prayer life, and strengthen your relationship with God so that you can give God your entire heart.
The Good, the Messy & the Beautiful
The Joys & Struggles of Real Married Life
God draws spouses closer to the Heavenly marriage through the sanctifying power of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. However, that means it is not always easy, and it certainly is not like what newlyweds may imagine.
In The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life, Edward and Beth Sri - national marriage speakers - show readers that the struggles of marriage are to be expected and, even more so, they are purifying us to make us saints.
No marriage is perfect, and neither is the Sri’s. This book is packed full of hilarious and relatable stories from their 20+ years of marriage. From their experience, see helpful tips, mindsets, and reminders of how to live out the beautiful vocation of marriage.
In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, God has an incredible vocation for all for spouses. The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful goes into the nitty-gritty, explaining what to do when reality hits—when the rubber hits the road.
From discussions about miscommunication, healing, intimacy, gifts, and more, you will dive into new depths of the reality of Catholic marriage—from the messy to the beautiful—in this practical, entertaining, and wise book. (Ascension Press).
The Art of Living
The Cardinal Virtues and the Freedom to Love
The secular world not only has lost faith; it has lost the art of living--we don't even know the basics of how to live friendship, dating, marriage and family life anymore. If we are going to have authentic friendships, build solid marriages and raise children well in this culture, we must rediscover the great tradition of the virtues. Drawing from his newest book, The Art of Living: The Cardinal Virtues and the Freedom to Love, Dr. Edward Sri shows how love requires virtue. Only people who intentionally grow in virtue can give the best of themselves to their friends, their spouse, and their children. Virtue gives us the freedom to love. Anyone can say "I love you." Some people might sincerely mean it. But only those who have virtue possess the freedom to love. Unfortunately, it is this great tradition of the virtues that is being withheld from us in our secular culture.
What Do You Seek?
Encountering the Heart of the Gospel
What does it look like to really follow Jesus? Not just be an enthusiastic Catholic who goes to Mass each week, throws money in the basket, and goes through the motions of faith. But what is happening on the inside? How do I know if I’m really growing in my relationship with God? Am I just a fan of Jesus or a true follower?
A disciple always keeps two basic truths in mind: (A) First, the truth of our weaknesses, wounds, and sins. And (B) the truth of our high calling—we are called to be healed and perfected in Christ. Discipleship is all about the process of getting from A to B, from where I am now to where Christ wants me to be.
Into His Likeness
Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ
What does it look like to really follow Jesus? Not just be an enthusiastic Catholic who goes to Mass each week, throws money in the basket, and goes through the motions of faith. But what is happening on the inside? How do I know if I’m really growing in my relationship with God? Am I just a fan of Jesus or a true follower?
A disciple always keeps two basic truths in mind: (A) First, the truth of our weaknesses, wounds, and sins. And (B) the truth of our high calling—we are called to be healed and perfected in Christ. Discipleship is all about the process of getting from A to B, from where I am now to where Christ wants me to be.
No Greater Love
A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion
Each Lent we hear the story of Christ’s passion, but do we understand it really means? This talk is a Biblical pilgrimage, walking step-by-step with Jesus from Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. Journey with Dr. Sri as he unpacks the rich Scriptural meaning of the key moments in Christ’s passion.
Who am I to Judge?
Morality in a Relativistic World
“Morality is just personal opinion.”
“What’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me.”
“Don’t impose your morality on me!”
How do we talk about morality in a culture that no longer believes in moral truth? Even many good Catholics feel afraid to say anything is right or wrong anymore. We don’t know what to say, and we’re scared others will think we’re “judgmental” and “intolerant.” With humor and personal examples, Edward Sri gives practical strategies for engaging your secular friends in a compelling and compassionate way. And he helps form us in a Catholic moral worldview. Learn how Catholic morality is all about love, how making a judgment is not judging a person’s soul and how in the words of Pope Francis, “relativism wounds people” and is “the spiritual poverty of our times.” Appealing to both the head and the heart, this talk is based on Edward Sri’s new book on this topic called Who am I to Judge? – Responding to Relativism with Logic & Love.
The Good, the Messy and the Beautiful
Falling in love is easy. Growing in love with your spouse requires much effort, intentionality and grace. While there’s a lot of talk about the beauty of marriage, there’s not as much talk about the real. This talk is about the realities of marriage—the real joys and real challenges all couples face—and how God wants to us there, in the joy and messiness of daily married life, to build something beautiful in our marriages. Dr. Sri brings together the rich wisdom of Catholic teaching on marriage and much humor from his own experience to help couples grow in friendship, patience, trust and love.
Walking with Mary
A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross
This presentation is for anyone who wants to know Mary better – the real, human Mary of the Bible and the profound interior journey of faith she made throughout her life. We will walk with Mary step-by-step from Nazareth to the Cross and consider how she faced moments of joy and thanksgiving, moments of uncertainty and discernment as well as moments of trial and darkness.
And yet at every critical point she responded with greater trust and surrender in ways that offer many practical insights for our own paths of Christian discipleship today. In this presentation, Dr. Edward Sri will draw on themes from his book, “Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross” (Image Books) and his video series/adult faith study “Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother” (Ascension Press).
Vibrant Faith in a Secular Age
Today’s Challenges for Parents, Families and Parish Leaders
This presentation engages the challenges we, our children and our friends constantly face from the secular culture—challenges that, if not addressed, can choke the life of faith in the people we love.
Why do I need a Church? Can’t I be spiritual on my own?
Isn’t one religion just as good as another?
Isn’t each person free to make up his own morality?
Why does the Church talk so much about human life, sex and marriage? Shouldn’t we just be tolerant and get along with everyone?
This engaging and thought-provoking talk shows how parish ministry and faith formation in the home cannot be “business as usual.” We cannot simply teach the truth. We must pass on the faith in a way that anticipates the cultural influences that affect the life of faith and give people the tools to thrive as intentional Catholics in a relativistic world.
In this talk, Dr. Edward Sri helps us navigate the challenges to faith from the secular culture, as he draws from his book based on the Symbolon film series. It’s called Love Unveiled: The Catholic Faith Explained (Ignatius Press).
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy
Do you ever wish you could get more out of Mass? Discover how all the prayers, symbols, and rituals in the liturgy can come alive for us today once we understand their Biblical roots. From the sign of the cross and the Gloria to the Eucharistic prayers and Holy Communion, join us for a Biblical tour of the Mass and learn the profound meaning of what we are really saying and doing each week as we participate in these sacred mysteries.
Praying The Rosary Like Never Before
Experiencing the Wonder of Heaven and Earth
Drawing on themes from his best-selling Rosary book, The New Rosary in Scripture, Dr. Edward Sri will explore John Paul II’s powerful and very personal reflections on the rosary and the importance this devotion has for Christians today. This presentation will address common questions about the Rosary such as…
Why all the repetition?
Why is so much attention given to Mary and not to Christ?
Where did the Rosary come from?
It also will offer practical tips from John Paul II on how everyone – beginners and avid devotees – can experience more deeply the great spiritual treasures found in this powerful devotion.
Theology of the Body and Marriage
Growing in Love versus Falling in Love
It’s easy to fall in love. Growing in love isn’t always so easy.
A great marriage isn’t one that simply stays together. It’s one that flourishes with time. Discover five keys to love your spouse more than you did yesterday.
Men, Women & the Mystery of Love
Living Theology of the Body
The modern world offers a picture of love, dating and marriage that has caused much confusion and heartache in our relationships with the opposite sex. St. John Paul II spent much of his life reminding the world what true Christian love is and offering a vision for relationships between men and women that is life-transforming. Discover John Paul II’s practical wisdom on the real relationship issues we face every day and learn how it can transform our friendships and dating relationships and prepare us for strong marriages rooted in Christ’s love.
In this presentation, Edward Sri will draw upon his well-known book used by young adults around the world, Men, Women and the Mystery of Love.
Common Questions, Biblical Answers
Explain the Catholic Faith From Scripture
In this session, Dr. Edward Sri tackles some of the most misunderstood teachings of the Catholic Faith. Beginning with an overview of his own journey, Dr. Sri takes us on a Scriptural tour through the Old and New Testaments, presenting the historical and Scriptural foundations for the Church’s teaching on topics such as the Mary, Confession, The Eucharist, the Papacy and the Church as the Kingdom of God on Earth.
How to Read the Bible as Catholics
Central to our faith as Catholics
The Bible is central to our faith as Catholics. But approaching such a large and complex collection of writings that span thousands of years is intimidating for most of us. We need a guide, a compass to set us off on the right course so that our time spent studying the Scriptures is a time spent encountering the living God. Dr. Edward Sri will demonstrate how to read the Bible within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church, and it addresses all the common questions about the Bible including…
Where did the Bible come from?
Is the Bible really inspired by God?
Why do Catholic Bibles have more books than Protestant Bibles?
How do I know if I am interpreting the Bible correctly?
Why do we need Tradition and the Magisterium to understand Scripture?
What are the four senses of Scripture?
As Catholics we are called to have an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Church as revealed in the Scriptures. Reading the Bible with the proper tools and in the appropriate context will help you grow in your love for the Faith and in your relationship with Jesus Christ himself, who is the Word made Flesh, (John 1:1).
The Advent of Christ
Preparing Spiritually for Christ
Dr. Sri gives talks for the Advent season. He has a variety of presentations and can tailor the themes to meet the needs of your parish.
Living Lent
Entering into the Season
Dr. Sri gives talks during the Lenten season. He has a variety of presentations and can tailor the themes to meet the needs of your parish.
Parish Missions
Engage and Send your Parish
Dr. Sri also sometimes gives talks in Parishes around the country for Parish missions. He has a variety of presentations and can tailor the themes to meet the needs of your Parish.