Dr. Edward Sri
Author | Speaker | Theologian

Dr. Sri speaks to tens of thousands of people across the world each year: catechetical conferences, clergy retreats, men’s and women’s conferences, parish talks and other Catholic events.

Dr. Sri unpacks the richness of the saints, cathedrals, and holy sites in a personal, in-depth pilgrimage. By traveling in a smaller group there is more time to take in the spiritual significance of holy places and pray. Join Dr. Sri in the Holy Land, Rome, Poland, Greece, France, or Lourdes-Spain-Fatima.

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Below is a simple, quick, easy-to-use guide for individuals or families to pray and reflect on the "O Antiphons" each day from December 17-23.
Filling our children’s souls with good stories plays a key role in their formation. The kinds of stories our children encounter shape...
Most of us did not grow up with specific training in the virtues. We were not given what authentic Christian communities have always seen as so vital to pass on from generation to generation: the great tradition on the virtuous life.
Virtues are so much more than values. We can have the noblest of ideals and most sincere of intentions but still fall short of who we’d like to be.
In English, the word “stations” refers to places people stop as they wait for the next step in their journey
How do you respond when “bad things” happen to you? When you experience disappointment or setbacks? When you are hurt by something someone said?
Is the Immaculate Conception just another example of Catholics exaggerating Mary’s role, putting her on par with Jesus?
For many, the rosary is quite intimidating: “50 plus beads of prayers? Who has time for that?”
The problem is not simply that the world has lost the gospel. We have lost the most basic human values as well. We have lost what he calls “the art of living.”
There are three kinds of friendship based on three kinds of affection that unite people.
I used to think that Mary was afraid at the sight of the angel. After all, if I were alone at my home in the middle of the day and suddenly an angel appeared to me, I’d probably be greatly troubled, too!
It’s a Wonderful Life so inspiring to generation after generation is that it showcases ordinary, everyday heroism